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New local author Tracey Selanis Nowers

Saturday, July 24 at 11:00 am

Meet debut author Tracey Selanis Nowers. Recently featured in the Cape Cod Times' Cape Cod Book Scene, her book There's More to Me than You explores the not-so-perfect side of adoption. The story centers on daughter, Catherine, and biological mother, Sharon. When the two women meet later in life, they discover that blood ties can't erase indiscretions and painful memories. One will accept and forgive; the other will choose a life filled with denial, turmoil, and regret.

Mrs. Nowers tells a powerful and compassionate story with heartbreaking astuteness and richly textured characters. She is a certified veterinary tecnician and writer, who manages an animal hospital and is currently writing her next book. The author lives with her family in Massachusetts