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Friday, February 17th at 11:00 amAcclaimed local mystery author
Leslie Meier meets with our audience. In her popular Lucy Stone series Leslie enjoys murdering people on special days of the year. Be it
Turkey Day Murder,
Mistletoe Murder,
or St. Patrick’s Day Murder, amateur sleuth Lucy Stone solves every fiendish and cleverly designed homicide this creative author can imagine. Fans are invited to catch up on Lucy Stone’s latest adventure
Chocolate Covered Murder – she had quite a Valentine’s Day this year! Our audience will be treated to a glimpse into the brain of a mystery writer who has unusual murders on her mind. Books will be available for sale and signing.
Saturday, February 11th at 10:00 am Bring your sweet tooth! Proceeds will benefit the Society and help pay for the very popular Ancestry.com database, which is available at Dennis Public Library and helps patrons conduct research on family histories.
The Cape Cod Genealogical Society’s “Genealogy Room” is located at Dennis Public Library. The collection includes genealogy-related books, magazines, CDs, and unpublished materials. CCGS volunteers are on hand to assist Society members and the public. The Genealogy Room’s hours of operation are Tuesdays 12 – 4, Thursdays 10 – 4, and Saturdays 10 – 12.
Friday, February 10th at 11:00 am Favorite local mystery author Susan Santangelo meets with our audience. Her first Baby Boomer mystery Retirement Can Be Murder came out in 2009 and has been suggested for a television series by several national critics. The second in the series Moving Can Be Murder came out last spring, and she is currently working on the third Marriage Can Be Murder. Bring your questions. This specially requested author and Sisters in Crime member might reveal some of her strategies and techniques for keeping readers engaged as they follow the trail of a murderer. Her books will be available for sale and signing.
Saturday, January 21st
We are closing at 12:30 p.m. due to weather.
Thank you for your understanding. We wish everyone to stay safe and healthy.
Wednesday, February 1st at 2:00 pm
When a US Naval captain shows signs of mental instability that jeopardizes the ship, the first officer relieves him of command and faces a court martial hearing for mutiny. From 1954, nominated for seven Oscars, including Best Picture, and Best Actor for Humphrey Bogart.