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We asked for your help in discovering Dennis' most loved book and thanks to the participation of over 115 Dennis residents and visitors who cast their vote this Summer, the results are in...
1st place: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
2nd place: Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
3rd place: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
4th place (tie): Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery and the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling
5th place (tie): The Help by Kathryn Stockett and Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Thank you to all who voted!
Saturday, October 6th at 11:00am
Music of the West African Kora comes to Dennis Port! Sean Gaskell will give a performance and educational demonstration on the kora, an ancient 21-stringed harp from West Africa. He will feature traditional songs that are the heart and soul of the kora's musical repertoire, in addition to some of his own personal compositions.

The kora is native to the Mande peoples who live within the countries of Gambia, Senegal, Mali, Guinea and Guinea Bissau
. The music is traditionally played by oral and musical historians known as Griots (Gree-ohs). The kora is a very melodic and seemingly peaceful instrument, which is contrary to its musical repertoire. Many songs tell ancient stories of war and hardship, while others praise people of high political status and those who helped expand the Mande Empire. While the kora is only 300 years old, some commonly played songs can be traced back 800 years to the founding of the Mande Empire.
Enjoy a short video of Sean Gaskell and his kora before the event!
Visit Sean's website for more information: seangaskell.com
All are welcome at this enriching musical performance.
This program is funded by the Friends of Dennis Public Library.
Reception Thursday, September 6th from 4:00-6:00
The art of Elaine M. Giberti and Joan McKenzie will be on display in the library's meeting room through the month of September. All are welcome at a reception on September 6th to celebrate the artists' work.
Elaine M. Giberti, always an appreciator of nature and the outdoors, enjoys taking photographs of Cape Cod and wherever she travels. She creates her acrylic landscape paintings from these photographs. Elaine is a Juried Member of the Cape Cod Art Center, a member of the Yarmouth Art Guild, the Sandwich Arts Alliance, the Wednesday Painters of Cotuit, and the Monday Painters on the Dennis Green summers.
Joan McKenzie is currently painting in acrylics, utilizing the vibrancy of the colors, plus the heavy body and textures of this paint medium. She communicates her love of beachscapes and landscapes with the brilliant colors of nature and her vision of the world. To her, painting is a way to express herself, be fearless, plus have the viewer feel her energy immediately. She is a member of the Cape Cod Art Association and Yarmouth Art Guild, plus she has studied at Lexington Arts and Craft and Emerson Umbrella. Her work can currently be seen at the Eastwind Gallery in Orleans, Picture This in Sandwich and Monday Painters in Dennis.
Saturday, September 15th at 11:00
Come to the library for a special book talk about “All Cooped Up,” meet the chicks, see their new coop, and find out how this book happened!
"All Cooped Up" by Fiona Frizzle, is a book about
seniors - impersonating chickens - impersonating pincushions. It is really
about seniors having FUN with the life they are now living. The story touches
on many of the issues and conditions seniors face in their daily lives: the
loss of their Frequent Feather Flying License because of age, the rising rates
of the Click Clack Cable Company, living on a limited income. And the losses:
loss of vision, loss of hearing, loss of mobility, and especially loss of dear
friends, and neighbors. It’s all here in the Coop.
While entertaining, this story also intends to help seniors, their families and
friends identify with what it’s like to be a senior today.
Join Sharon Anderson, AKA Fiona Frizzle, for this author talk. Sharon is the leader of the Cape Cod Writer’s Studio that
meets weekly at Dennis Public Library. She is excited to share her story with
the public at this event.