There are a number of ways you can get involved with helping the Dennis Public Library.
The library is always looking for dedicated people to volunteer. In as little as two hours per week, you can make a big difference in your library by helping the staff shelve books, process materials, assist with programs, work the circulation desk, help in the Children's Room, and more. Just call or stop by to find out about our training schedule and how you can help.
Join the FRIENDS of the Dennis Public Library
The mission of the Friends is to support the Library by raising funds for materials and services not covered in the budget provided by the Town, and to sponsor forums, lectures, concerts, and other beneficial activities. Funds for these purposes come from the annual dues paid by members of the Friends, fundraising activities and events, and special donations from individuals and organizations in the community.
On-going activities of the Friends include:
Book sales. Used books, both paper-back and hard cover, are on sale in the Library at low prices. All proceeds go to the Friends.
Engraved bricks. Bricks engraved with a 3-line message of the buyer’s choice, costing $125, are installed in the walkway to the Library. Order forms are available at the Friends desk.
Authors Friday. This free lecture series, which runs from spring to fall, features authors from Cape Cod or whose books are related to the area.
The FRIENDS group needs members and board members! Join and get involved with fundraising and program planning. Stop by the library and visit the FRIENDS Desk for more information and membership details.
Monetary gifts to help expand our collection are always welcome, as are your gently used books and DVDs which go into our DPL Book Sale or on our lending shelves.
Wish List
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