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Thursday, November 19 at 7:00 pm
Forget Scrooge's ghosts of Christmas! Spooky tales of New England presented by Christopher Daley will make your skin crawl and hair stand on end! Hear about Mercy Brown, the vampire of Exeter, RI; the haunted Hoosac Tunel in western MA; the Lady in Black at Fort Warren in Boston Harbor, and many more. See video footage, too!
We'll be waiting for you...
From the Town of Dennis Planning Department:The full review draft of the Dennis Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is now available for review. The document is being distributed in various fashions. Electronically you can review the report online under the
MHM Plan tab on the
Dennis Planning Department Weblog or by downloading the PDF file from
http://www.box.net/shared/llqzz40n9e. We highly encourage you to make use of the document in electronic form. If you need paper copies we will have the report available for review in Town Hall and the Dennis Public Library beginning on November 10, 2009.
Comments should be sent to:
Dennis Planning Department - MHM Plan Comments
P.O. Box 2060
South Dennis MA, 02660
The library will maintain copies at the reference and circulation desks, and a link is posted in the Quick Links section on the left.
Every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.
Enjoy our casual and comfortable atmosphere as you refine your language skills with other students and instructor Bill Maloney.
When you learn more, we all learn more!

Artist Muriel Thomas is displaying her artwork in our Meeting Room during the month of November. Come and enjoy the show!
Stayed tuned for a possible artist's event this month!