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Saturday, July 16 at 11:00 amShow off beautiful plants no matter what the limits of your home environment!Expert Michael Sarowsky from the Master Gardener's Association talks about gardening in containers and in sandy soil. Container gardening is great for people with limited space. Discover how to get the most out of window boxes or how to decorate decks with plants in distinctive containers of all shapes and sizes. Or, if sandy soil is a problem in your Cape Cod backyard, learn techniques for improving soil. Come with all of your questions - Michael is ready to respond! Pretty soon your little place on Earth will be the prettiest little place on Earth, attracting the attention of the whole neighborhood.

Tuesday: 10 - 8
Wednesday: 10 - 8
Thursday: 10 - 5
Friday: 10 - 5
Saturday: 10 - 2
Sunday & Monday: CLOSED

The library will be closed
Saturday, July 2nd in celebration of the July 4th holiday on Monday.
We wish all of our patrons a very happy and safe holiday! See you Tuesday!
Saturday, July 9th from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm - July 2nd date cancelled due to library closing for July 4th holidayThe Bayberry Quilters have been working hard all year and their stunning work is complete. The quilt features the outline of Cape Cod and whimsical details like mermaids, lighthouses, ferries, flowers, and a compass rose.
Buy your raffle tickets, $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. The quilt is the grand prize, but second and third prizes are offered. Proceeds go to fund scholarships for Cape Cod Regional Technical High School students pursuing higher education. Be generous and be lucky!
Thursday, July 7 at 11:00 amPeter Zheutlin talks about his great grandaunt Annie Cohen Kopchovsky, who reinvented herself as globetrotter and adventurer
Annie Londonderry. She became one of the most celebrated women of the 1890s. Her amazing trip was reportedly set in motion by a wager that required Annie not only to circle the earth by bicycle in 15 months, but also to earn $5,000 en route as well. This was no mere test of a woman’s physical endurance and mental fortitude; it was a test of a woman’s ability to fend for herself in the world. Peter captures all of his aunt’s charisma and skill for self-promotion in his book,
Around the World on Two Wheels: Annie Londonderry’s Extraordinary Ride. Expect the unexpected, for the adventure ends with the revelation of a stunning family secret!
Part of the Library's "Novel Destinations" travel series.
Wednesday, July 6th at 2:00 pmIn one of Alfred Hitchcock's most popular thrillers, a San Francisco detective suffering from acrophobia investigates the strange activities of an old friend's wife, becoming dangerously obsessed with her. From 1958, starring Faye James Stewart and Kim Novak.