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Monthly Recurring Events
First Wednesday Classic Movie
Wednesday, October 6 at 2:00 pm
A Streetcar Named Desire stars Vivien Leigh and Marlon Brando. Based on a play by Tennessee Williams, the story follows the emotional disintegration of a Southern woman whose last chance for happiness is destroyed by her vindictive brother-in-law. The 1951 film won best acting Oscars for Leigh, Kim Hunter, and Karl Malden.
Dennis Public Library features classic movies on the first Wednesday of every month.
DPL Book Club
Wednesday, October 20 at 2:00 pm
Like to read? Like to talk about what you read? Come and join the fun as the DPL Book Club discusses
The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf by Mohja Kahf.
The DPL Book Club meets on the third Wednesday of every month.
Come see art!
This month's featured artist is Ursula Coute. She is displaying her artwork in our Meeting Room.
Come in and enjoy the show! The artwork is for sale, and you'll find prices accompanying each piece.
Support the arts and the artist!