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Virtual Event: Author Nomi Prins

Thursday, March 25th at 6:00

Part of the Boston Public Library Repairing America Series

Journalist and political-financial expert Nomi Prins joins BPL President David Leonard to discuss her years of experience writing about the fallout of the 2007-08 global financial crisis and how it informs the way we will pull ourselves out of economic difficulties created by the pandemic.

Looking at the historical developments and underpinnings of international finance, economics and geo-politics, Prins will reference her latest book, "Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World" and the lasting impact of events from the global financial crisis. She can also provide guidance to understand and navigate global financial complexities and dynamics made more difficult by the COVID-19 crisis.

This talk is presented in partnership with the Kirstein Business Library and Innovation Center and sponsored by the Friends of Kirstein. 

Click on the link below to register: