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Author Talk: The Tin Ticket

Saturday, February 4th at 12:30pm

Join us for an author talk with Harwich author Deborah Swiss. She will be at the library to discuss her book, The Tin Ticket: The Heroic Journey of Australia's Convict Women. Lovers of history and readers who enjoy compelling, true stories about the resiliency of the human spirit will not want to miss this talk. 

During the nineteenth century, 25,000 girls and women, convicted of mostly petty crimes, were transported to Australia from the United Kingdom and later became the founding mothers of modern Australia. They arrived as nothing more than property, but they managed not only to endure their privation and pain but to thrive on their own terms, breaking the chains of bondage, and forging a society that treated women as equals and led the world in women's rights. 
After the author talk, enjoy a performance from singer/songwriter Digney Fignus who will perform "All for Love," a song he wrote to honor Australia’s convict maids and survivors everywhere.