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Book a Librarian!

Are you missing your local librarian? 

Now you can "Book a Librarian" from Dennis Public Library. 

Librarians can help you place holds for materials to be picked up in the future, read to you from a limited collection for up to 15 minutes, or offer technology assistance over the phone.

To schedule an appointment, please call the library's main line at 508-760-6219 and leave a voicemail message including your name, return phone number, the type of assistance you are seeking, and a good weekday and time to call you. 

A librarian will return your phone call from an unlisted number at the day and time you have specified in your voicemail message. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you are looking to place a hold, please have your library card and PIN number available. If you are missing your card or PIN, please let us know in your voicemail message.