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CANCELLED- Poetry Reading- Ronald Harrison Fenn

Saturday, November 16th at 11:00

***This program has been cancelled***

Join us for a poetry reading titled "Gathered Short Poems of the Seasons" by published poet Ronald Harrison Fenn. Mr. Fenn has shared his poetry at the library several times in the past, always to glowing reviews from the audience. We appreciate his continued support and willingness to share his writing with the community.

Mr. Fenn has written 15 volumes of journal, five collections of ongoing poetry, short story, essays, book reviews, letters and public lectures. 

A teacher at Cape Cod Community College, he previously taught at Cambridge College and Suffolk University. He is a past member of the Shakespeare Oxford Society and Shakespeare Fellowship.

His poems have been published in the 2014 Dennis Conservation Land Trust newsletter and the Cape Cod Times Sunday edition in July 2019, chosen by blind selection by a panel of published poets. Upcoming in the fall/winter Dennis Conservation Land Trust Newsletter, upon their request and selection, his recent short poem "Naked Loss of Trees" will be published to highlight their topical theme on reforestation. 

Mr. Fenn devotes his time to writing, traveling and uncovering historical roots of uniquely diverse American character. He lectures at schools, colleges and civic organizations with topics ranging from poetry to early American history.
