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Girls Who Code Field Trip

Recently the members of our "Girls Who Code" club were able to visit the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute for an fun and educational field trip.

They were given a history of some of the different kinds of ships and vessels including the Alvin, a human occupied submersible vehicle, REMUS, a programmable robotic vehicle, and the Sentry, designed for operations on the seafloor to over 19,500 ft. They also learned about the different moorings and buoys used around the world to help study the ocean. They toured the "back rooms" and were able to see first hand where the scientists worked. 

The girls had the opportunity to go to the docks to see some of the ships including the Atlantic that carries the Alvin and the Neil Armstrong. After the tour they walked to the Ocean Science Discovery Center to see some of the vessels. It was a great visit and everyone learned a great deal.

Interested in learning more about "Girls Who Code"? Visit girlswhocode.com and keep an eye out in the fall for information regarding next year's club.