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Intro to Essential Oils with LuAnn Griffin

Saturday, February 17th at 12:30

Many people think using essential oils is all about the “smell.”  You might be surprised to know that essential oils can be used for more than just a room freshener! In today’s world, some of the most dangerous things that affect our health are the things we willingly expose ourselves to daily. 

Sometimes the products we use on ourselves, in our home, on our children, and in our everyday lives could be the very things that contribute to why we are sick, why we have health problems and why we struggle emotionally. 

LuAnn Griffin was born and raised in Dennis. She is a busy wife and mother of 5. Her family began using essential oils in response to a serious health issue with one of her daughters.  After exhausting all means of conventional medicine with minimal results, LuAnn began to explore other possible factors that could be contributing to her problem.  Thus began her love and appreciation for all things “oily.”

Join our discussion to find out how to use the power of simple plant based essential oils to support many areas of your life.