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Deer Ticks: One Bite Can Change Your Life

brown deer tick on a green background

UPDATE- The program scheduled for Tuesday, June 13th at 4pm at Cape Cod Community Media Center has been CANCELLED. 

Join Entomologist Larry Dapsis from Cape Cod Cooperative Extension for a workshop on Lyme Disease. Lyme Disease is the most prevalent infectious disease in Massachusetts and is now considered to be a public health crisis.  In addition to Lyme, deer ticks can carry the pathogens which cause Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis, Relapsing Fever and Powassan virus, all of which can be very serious and are on the rise. 

This program will review the basic life cycle and ecology of deer ticks, incidence rates and distribution of tick-borne illnesses, in addition to a database under development on infection rates of ticks.  A three point protection plan will be presented:  Protect Yourself, Protect Your Yard and Protect your Pet.  Tick-Borne Diseases are preventable.

This workshop will take place at Cape Cod Community Media Center, 17 Shad Hole Rd. Dennis Port. It will be in a studio for local Cable Channel 99. The presentation as well as questions and answers will be televised.

Entomologist Larry Dapsis has a B.S. in  Environmental Science & Biology at Fitchburg State University and M.S.  Entomology at the University of MassachusettsAmherst.  Thirty-five years of professional pest management experience including Vegetables, Cranberries and Household Insects.  He joined Cape Cod Cooperative Extension in 2011 as Deer Tick Project Coordinator and Entomologist and is a member of the Barnstable County Task Force on Lyme and other Tick-Borne Diseases. 

This workshop is sponsored by the Dennis Libraries.

Seating is limited. Please call Larry Dapsis at 508-375-6642 to register.