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Author Talk with Hugh Blair-Smith

book cover of Left Brains for the Right Stuff with photo of a rocket going into space and astronauts

Thursday, June 1st at 6:30pm

Join local author Hugh Blair-Smith as he discusses his book "Left Brains for the Right Stuff" about the Space Race. What made the Space Race possible? What made it necessary? How close a race was it? And what did it achieve? The answers involve the history of three technologies- rockets, navigation, and computers- and how they were woven together to make Apollo and the Space Shuttle significant contributions to winning the Cold War.

Author Hugh Blair-Smith, a part-time Cape Codder since 1946 and full-time since 2015, was a staff engineer at MIT's Instrumentation (later Draper) Laboratory from 1959 through 1981. He and many colleagues created one answer to the long-sought quest for "a moral equivalent to war."