Fridays starting September 30th from 10:00-12:00
has a story to tell. With the Internet, Kindles, and Nooks, self-publishing
your writing is easy. Everyone can read and buy your stories and books
globally. The new digital age makes the process easier than you think.
on Friday, September 30th S.D. Anderson, PhD, Indie author and
publisher, will lead a weekly writers’ group. You will learn how to write
and publish your own work and have fun doing it. The group is currently full. Please call the library to be added to the wait list: 508-760-6219.
Anderson has been self-publishing for more than 30 years in the Visionary
Fiction genre. All of her books, fiction and non-fiction, websites, and blogs
maintain a spiritual and mystical element merging Easter and Western
philosophies. Living on her magical Cape Cod, she actively participates in a
weekly writers’ group through Cape Cod Writers Center and is a member of the
Visionary Fiction Alliance.