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October Meeting Room Artist and Reception

Hollis Fortune is an artist who resides in Harwich with her extended family.  Her work has changed and evolved in the last years and she now concentrates in oil, acrylic, and mixed-medium painting.  Hollis enjoys painting to music, and feels there is an “intertwining” of the two that strongly influences her colors and subject matters. She invites the viewer to imagine things just a little differently with her images, to “write their own story”.

Hollis is a member of the Guild of Harwich Artists, Creative Arts Center,  the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod, and the She-Art Network. Her work is on permanent display at the Art Gallery of the Guild of Harwich Artists and The Little Beach Gallery in Hyannis.

Her work is on display in our meeting room through October 30th, and she will be hosting a reception on Friday the 18th, from 6-8 pm.