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Local spiritual author Marie David

Saturday, November 2 at 11:00 am

In her new book Sacred Heart Songs (published by Balboa Press) the author and Reiki Master/Teacher Marie S. David urges readers to recognize the connection between spiritual well-being and physical and mental well-being.

The book is a journey from the knowledge of the mind to the wisdom of the heart. Through a unique weaving of science and spirit it provides clear markers along the path to safety and wellness; some people can find relief for insomnia, fibromyalgia, and trauma. Sacred Heart Songs is written for people who want to bring forth the songs of their hearts and become active partners in wellness in their lives. Contemplations at the end of each chapter invite readers to create a sacred, safe space within to support and maintain balance in the midst of life’s stressors.
Marie S. David  has taught and practiced Reiki in the Usui tradition since 2001. Her passion is supporting people on their path to wellness. David is director of Wellness Ministries at Evensong Retreat and Spirituality Center. She and her husband, Jim, minister as co-pastors of St. Mary of Magdala Church in Harwich Port, MA.

During her presentation, the author will discuss the process of writing and sharing artwork that evolved during her work. Books will be available for sale and signing.