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Photographer Stanlee Wetzel

Tuesday, November 15 from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm - Reception

Stanlee Wetzel is having a one-person Photographic Show at the Dennis Public Library to run for the month of November 2011.

The show is called: “Eclectic Photographic Images” by Stanlee Wetzel.

Stanlee is a juried member of the Fine Art Photography division of the Cape Cod Art Association and a juried-in member of the Russell Gallery at the Plymouth Center for the Arts.

Her works have received awards in numerous competitions, and she has been recognized for her one-woman photography shows in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Many of her pictures hang in homes along the Eastern seacoast and overseas.

As a freelance photographer her images have been published in annual reports, newspapers, brochures and business advertising.

She approaches subject matter from a unique point-of-view and focuses on how the rendering of images creates a distinctive perspective.