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Burn Boston Burn

Saturday, June 15th at 12:00 p.m. 

Wayne Miller's first book is set in the early 1980s while Boston is set ablaze. Two hundred sixty-four buildings were burned intentionally resulting in millions of dollars in damages and hundreds of injuries. This is the true story of the deep conspiracy of nine men, determined to wreak havoc on the city and the relentless investigators who uncovered them. Told from the perspective of the head ATF Special Agent in charge of the investigation, Wayne Miller, Burn Boston Burn is a tale of political deceit and internal corruption. The book details the series of crimes that shook the city of Boston and became known as one of the largest arson cases on record in the history of the country.

Wayne Miller was a Special Agent, Criminal Investigator and Certified Fire Investigator for the U. S. Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms for 25 years. He has been involved in numerous high profile criminal cases involving illegal firearms, bombings and arson. He was also a member of the ATF National Response Team, responding to major fire and explosion incidents. For the past 17 years, in the private sector, Mr. Miller has been a fire and explosion analyst for the Massachusetts - based Wright Group, Inc. ​