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November Artists in our Meeting Room

Kathleen Kenneally: 
Sometimes tidy, sometimes not. Sometimes frustrating, most times fun. It is all part of the creative process as a “latecomer” to reading about art, looking at art, talking about art, and making art. Exciting!

I have been learning about painting more seriously in the past three years and, happily, more often in the past year. I have played with pastels, been wooed by watercolors, dabbled in oils, but am currently enjoying the antics of acrylics.

I am inspired by pathways, whether on land or water, so beautifully prominent on the Cape. My love for walking and kayaking have left imprints that motivate and challenge me to capture them on canvas. Composition, value, contrast, light, perspective, atmospheric conditions, color theory….so much comes into play. The blank canvas can be intimidating. Now though, with more time, easy access to on-line info, and a few classes along the way, there is a growing comfort and confidence in “just going for it”.

Kathleen has recently stepped away from a 20-year career as a massage therapist. However, she continues to engage a similar tactile sense through painting. 

Joyce A. Sullivan: 
Seeing the beauty, the happenstance and humor in day-to-day activities provides ample material to keep my journals full. Sometimes I focus on capturing in sketches what is immediately in front of me; other times, I just want to play with an abundance of color and collage pieces to see what happens, the “what if….”, so vital in the creative process.

My journal pages reflect images of the world around me – my gardens, my pets, the animals that visit the yard and the people I observe. I hope my work will inspire viewers to look a little more closely for the wonders in their world.

Joyce taught elementary school for 35 years; has always been interested in art and has nurtured this interest through a variety of art classes.