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Author Event: Janis Robinson Daly

Wednesday, September 27th at 6:00 p.m.

Author Janis Robinson Daly will discuss her novel The Unlocked Path, in which readers meet a “New Woman” of the 20th century: educated, career-minded, independent Eliza Pearson Edwards. In 1897 Philadelphia, after witnessing her aunt's suicide, Eliza rejects her mother’s wishes for a society debut, and at a time when five percent of doctors are female, she enters a woman’s medical college. With the support of a circle of women and driven by a determination to conquer curriculum demands, battle sexism, and overcome doubts, Eliza charts her new life path. Combining science and sympathy, she triumphs to heal others and herself.

This event will include a presentation discussing the book and a Q&A session with the author. Copies of the book will be available to purchase and be signed.

Please call the library at 508-760-6219 to register for this program.

This program was paid for by the Friends of the Dennis Public Library.