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July Art Display

Thursday, July 6th at 5:00 p.m.

We are featuring the artwork of local artist Rick Kucia in our meeting room throughout the month of July. Rick has a passion for fishing which inspired him to practice the art of gyotaku printing. Gyotaku is a traditional form of Japanese printing used by fishermen to record their catches. In Rick’s style of gyotaku, the actual sea life is his canvas. Colorful inks are applied to the sea life itself, then cloth or rice paper is gently pressed on the surface of the sea life to find  each creature’s unique details. When the cloth or paper is removed, a beautiful impression is left. All of his artwork is original and the marine life was personally found or caught from the waters of Cape Cod, MA.

The artist will be at the library for a reception on Thursday, July 6th at 5:00 p.m. The reception is free and open to the public.