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Dennis loves Cape Cod!

Cape Cod History is here...

Dennis the Snowman has decided to learn more about the town he was named for, so he's browsing a copy of Nancy Thacher Reid's well known Dennis, Cape Cod: From Firstcomers to Newcomers 1639-1993. Reid's book is part of our popular Cape Cod Collection that Dennis is getting to know very well.

He also likes searching our digital newspaper archive of the Yarmouth Register and the Barnstable Patriot. Dennis was delighted to have found a photo of his cousin at the Mashpee Commons, which appeared in the Barnstable Patriot on 11/23/2000. 

See Dennis' cousin by clicking this link and selecting the first link shown:

Wintry Welcome

Check out the whole archive by clicking this link and selecting the first link shown:

Digital Archive of Historic Newspapers

Dennis wishes everyone Happy Holidays!