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The building opens June 15, 2021

It's been a while.  

Since March 17, 2020 actually. We sure have missed welcoming patrons into our building. If you took advantage of our many services while the building was closed, we are grateful. We wanted to be here for you in the capacity that we could. We have heard lots of positive comments about our curbside pickup service, and thank you if you were one of our many paper bag donors. Once the building is open again, our curbside pickup service will discontinue.

Thankfully, the trends are looking good. We are so happy to open our doors for your visits on Tuesday, June 15th. Our pre-COVID hours of operation will resume: Tuesday - Thursday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please be mindful that we are following the Governor's advisory: People fully vaccinated against COVID-19 need not wear masks, while those who are not fully vaccinated are strongly encouraged to wear masks for their health and safety. See you soon!