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COVID-19 Digital Archive

Help us with our Digital Archive

While we all work through these unprecedented times together, we want to offer you a chance to reflect on the day-to-day experiences faced by you and your families. In the future, historians, archivists, and museums will want to know what life was like during this crisis. In addition to news reports, legislation and official documents, personal records of daily life will be important in understanding this crisis and how we made it through. 

Dennis Public Library is working to create a COVID-19 Digital Archive, including the experiences of our community members, in real-time. To participate, you can create a digital daily journal, or submit photos of your daily activities.

Record a digital daily journal:

We have created a Google Sheets template, adapted from the great folks at the Framingham Historical Center, for anyone who wants to record a line-a-day journal during the duration of the pandemic (and beyond). Although you are not obligated to submit your journal to the DPL’s COVID-19 Digital Archive, if you live or work in Dennis, we would greatly appreciate if you considered doing so.

Completed journals can be emailed to den_mail@clamsnet.org for inclusion in the Digital Archive.

Please Note: If you do not have a Google account, you can still save the template as an Excel spreadsheet.

Line-a-day journal template

Submit your photos:

If you would prefer, you can email photos of your daily experiences during the pandemic to den_mail@clamsnet.org, with the subject "Digital Archive" for inclusion.  

Please include your name, a title for the image, and a description. 

By submitting an image or journal, you agree to make it an unrestricted gift to the Dennis Public Library's COVID-19 Digital Archives which can be used for many purposes including, but not limited to, community access and enrichment, and scholarly research.