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Ireland: The Land of St. Patrick

Saturday, March 14th at 12:00

Join us for a presentation from Irish historian Sean Murphy. He will bring you into the world of Irish music, dance, comedy, and songs through the work of some of Ireland's greatest entertainers and its emerging pool of talent.

This event will be a multi-media presentation and will give a cultural and social history of Ireland. Fun for the entire family. There will also be a short historical narrative of the life and times of Saint Patrick.

Sean Murphy was born and reared in Dublin and came to live on Cape Cod in 2005. He has a passion for his homeland and loves to share his knowledge and interest through classes, workshops and conversation. He is a teacher of Irish history, music, and dance.
He currently teaches courses at the Irish Cultural Center of New England in Canton, Cape Cod Sons of Erin, and the Cape Cod Cultural Center.