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Self-Publishing with a Purpose

all cooped up cover

Saturday, September 15th at 11:00

Come to the library for a special book talk about “All Cooped Up,” meet the chicks, see their new coop, and find out how this book happened!

"All Cooped Up" by Fiona Frizzle, is a book about seniors - impersonating chickens - impersonating pincushions. It is really about seniors having FUN with the life they are now living. The story touches on many of the issues and conditions seniors face in their daily lives: the loss of their Frequent Feather Flying License because of age, the rising rates of the Click Clack Cable Company, living on a limited income. And the losses: loss of vision, loss of hearing, loss of mobility, and especially loss of dear friends, and neighbors. It’s all here in the Coop.

While entertaining, this story also intends to help seniors, their families and friends identify with what it’s like to be a senior today. 

Join Sharon Anderson, AKA Fiona Frizzle, for this author talk. Sharon is the leader of the Cape Cod Writer’s Studio that meets weekly at Dennis Public Library. She is excited to share her story with the public at this event.