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Author Talk: Historic New England

Thursday, July 12th at 6:30

Stop by the library for an author talk with Patricia Harris and David Lyon as they discuss their book, Historic New England: A Tour of the Region’s Top 100 National Historic Landmarks. In addition to historic houses and tall ships, Historic New England examines such quirky spots as the country's oldest weather stations, carousels, and sandy beaches. From Fairfield, Connecticut’s Birdcraft Sanctuary to the Windjammers of Rockland, Maine, this book appeals to the historical enthusiast, the armchair traveler, and both local visitors and tourists alike.

Patricia Harris and David Lyon are authors of more than thirty books on travel, food, and art, including Boston, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont & New Hampshire in the Food Lovers series published by the Globe Pequot Press. They live in Cambridge, Massachusetts, not far from the Longfellow House, and can be found online at HungryTravelers.com or on social media by the Twitter and Instagram handle of @hungrytravelers.