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It matters HOW we think!

Thursday, April 5th from 6:00-8:00

Become a more effective problem-solver! Join David Martin, Ph.D. and Nina Greenwald, Ph.D. for a highly interactive workshop entitled "It matters HOW we think: tackling life's problems through critical and creative thinking." Participants will gain a better understanding of what it means to think critically and creatively, and discuss problems of interest in the workplace, family relationships, and everyday life as a basis for practicing specific problem-finding and problem-solving strategies. 

Feel free to bring examples of problems to share, challenging, persistent, annoying ones, to tackle and tame through new thinking tools for solving problems. Who knows what long awaited significant breakthroughs, insights and understanding may occur! 

Please register for this program by Saturday, March 31st by calling the library at 508-760-6219