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Presentation: The Kennedy Assassination

JFK and Jackie Kennedy in convertible

Saturday, November 18th at noon

Join us for a special program about the Kennedy Assassination presented by historian Christopher Daley. 

November 22nd, 1963, a date that will live on in our collective memory with other ignominious dates such as December 7th, 1941 and September 11th, 2001.  It is the date on which a young president with so much potential had his life snuffed out within the span of a few seconds - an act that shocked a nation that didn’t think things like that happened in America.  On that day The United States of America was changed forever.

Relive that tragic day in vivid detail through the use of witness statements, photographs, diagrams and the famous Zapruder Film. The main theories about the assassination will be summarized, and reasons for and against will be presented. At the conclusion of the lecture, a forum for discussion will be opened so that the audience may express their views and theories on what happened on November 22nd, 1963.

Christopher Daley has been lecturing all over New England for over 25 years on historical topics of interest at libraries, historical societies, schools and all sorts of clubs and organizations. Mr. Daley is currently a history teacher in the Silver Lake Regional School System in Kingston Massachusetts. He holds a B.A. and a M.A. from Bridgewater State University in Political Science and History.