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Historic Restaurants of Cape Cod

book cover for Historic Restaurants of Cape Cod

Thursday, July 27th at 6:30

Join local author Christopher Setterlund as he discusses his new book "Historic Restaurants of Cape Cod" which details the history of some of the iconic establishments of the Cape, still fresh in the memories of restaurant patrons.

Thousands of restaurants have come and gone on Cape Cod over the past century. Some, however, have made an indelible mark. Bill and Thelma's was hugely popular with students from the 1950s to the 1970s, often packed with locals after sporting events and dances. Starbuck's Restaurant in Hyannis featured the Chief Justice Warren Burger Burger and the Larry Bird Burger on its menu and boasted about the soup du jour saying, "We don't know what it is, but we have it every day." Opinions differ on how the Reno Diner actually got its name, whether from a broken sign or a local appliance company. This book covers these and many other stories about local Cape restaurants.

Author Christopher Setterlund is a twelfth-generation Cape Codder whose roots go back to the second Mayflower voyage. After growing up on Cape Cod and working in the restaurant industry for nearly two decades, he has a wealth of knowledge as to what makes a legendary Cape Cod establishment. He is the author of the In My Footsteps travel book series featuring Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. In addition to books, the author has contributed work to the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, Cape Cod Life magazine, Cape Cod Magazine, CapeCod.com and the Travel Channel. Away from writing he is a WITS-certified personal trainer, runner, photographer and a lover of travel.