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Health, Weight Loss and Longevity: A Naturopathic Doctor's Perspective

Saturday, March 18th at 12:30

Join Dr. Sean Foss for an introduction to Naturopathic Medicine, also called functional, alternative, complimentary or holistic medicine. Learn how his work differs from mainstream medicine. He will discuss the epidemic of chronic diseases in the US and worldwide, misconceptions of how weight loss and exercise relate to health and longevity, and new concepts of how lifestyle and diet relate to health and longevity.

Dr. Foss is a native of Cape Cod who has returned home to practice natural medicine. He is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport's Naturopathic College of Medicine and Acupuncture. Dr. Foss is currently a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in the state of Connecticut and a member of the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors.