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Coloring for the Soul Workshop

Saturday, April 30 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm

Need some relaxation in your life? Try coloring. Bring your coloring books and tools (pencils, crayons, markers, whatever…)  Avis Kaeselau, who has taught at the Creative Arts Center in Chatham, MA, will lead the group. She will discuss and display shading, highlighting, and embellishing and introduce ideas on how to use your work. Bring a bag lunch. Space is limited. Please call the library to pre-register: 508-760-6219.

If needed, “kits” (a coloring book and pencils) are available upon request for a $10 materials fee.  Please let the library staff know that you would like a kit when you call to register. You will receive your kit on the day of the event.