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December Artists - Stephanie and Bob Walenski

Throughout the month of December, enjoy the works of local artists Stephanie and Bob Walenski.

Stephanie’s journey into the art world began in the late ‘80s learning to make quilts, all by hand. Later she graduated to machine stitching quilts, and then on to wall quilts. The wall quilts, and the teachers who helped her, were really the beginning of her original art: composition, line and shape, and color. As soon as she saw the white line prints by Blanche Lazzell, she loved them and looked for a way to learn how to achieve a print of her own design. After white line prints she branched out into mono prints, and then took several printmaking classes at Cape Cod Community College. Printmaking led to Book Arts and Papermaking. Today she is still making quilts, both for the bed and wall, cutting white line wood block prints, cutting linoleum blocks and printing them, and creating books and the art to be included and dreaming of ways to combine it all.

Bob’s current artistic work is headed in the direction of abstract acrylic paintings. He says, “As photography is light, then painting is shape, color, and texture. Good abstraction is organized chaos. It is that contradiction that adds tension and energy to a piece. The layers create depth perception and space within a flat surface. Each pattern has its own mood that emerges from all of these variables and is instantly recognizable. This apparent randomness is in complete harmony to all forms, to the infinity of space within all things. The subject of the art work does not have to be a specific object or image to speak to us.”  After living on the Cape for 40 years, this retired teacher now has time to appreciate the place where he lives and its wonderful art community.

The show ends Tuesday, December 30th. Paintings are available to see during most of the library’s open hours. Call for more information: 508-760-6219.