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November Artist - Joan Shostak

Throughout the month of November, enjoy a show by artist and Yarmouth Port resident Joan Shostak, who was named one of Cape Cod Life’s 400 people who brighten our lives in 2005.

A retired kindergarten teacher turned artist, Ms. Shostak teaches watercolor art in both Florida and on the Cape. Living on beautiful Cape Cod since 1983, the artist draws inspiration from the landscape and brings happiness to her patrons by creating commissioned portraits of their beloved homes. She has been chosen to be in two calendars, one national and one sponsored by Winkir Printing, South Yarmouth, MA. 

Ms. Shostak appreciates her fellow professional and gallery artists, having attended many local classes and workshops.  She is a juried artist member of the Cape Cod Art Association and a Board member of the Yarmouth Art Guild. 
The artist’s work is on display in the Meeting Room during most open library hours.