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Local author Yvonne deSouza

Saturday, September 13 at 11:00 am

As anyone who has been diagnosed with a serious disease can attest, life can change dramatically in just moments.  For author Yvonne deSousa, that life-changing moment came when her doctor informed her six months after her 40th birthday that she had relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.  Those few words have both caused concern and have been the source of chuckles over the last few years.  Taking the serious nature of her diagnosis in stride, deSousa shares how her sense of humor has helped her deal with the chronic nature of her illness in her new book. 
With an uncanny ability to see the humor in the most difficult moments, deSousa shares her insights in her memoir, MS Madness!  A “Giggle More, Cry Less Story” of Multiple Sclerosis.  From her brother’s insightful commentary – “You could totally get one of those handicapped parking plates now” – to her doctor’s declaration – “MS sucks” – deSousa recalls the reactions of those around her like a true storyteller.  A page turner that will have readers both laughing and crying, deSousa’s realistic look at how she manages her own MS shines a light on the more than 400,000 Americans who deal with the disease every single day.

In a lighthearted presentation, Yvonne’s talks both enlighten and entertain.  She discusses facts about MS that most with chronic illness can relate to, shares her journey with the audience in a way that gets them smiling and reads excerpts from her book.  As she says in the Q and A period following the talk, “go ahead, ask me anything. My life is pretty much an open book!”  This is all done in a comic way to show the audience that with determination and a sense of humor, you can survive anything!