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Heroes and Villains

Wednesday, August 13 at 7:00 pm

Meet popular Cape Cod authors Arlene Kay and Kevin Symmons at as they explore and explain how professionals craft characters that take their novels from pedantic to scintillating. Both are best-selling scribes who’ve performed this presentation to rave reviews. They enjoy interactive sessions so come with your questions and ideas as to who are your favorite heroes… and villains! You’ll have fun and walk away with a new appreciation of how authors construct to-die for good guys and bad ones.

An artful combination of humor, sex, and savagery make Arlene Kay’s mysteries unique. The author of Intrusion; Die Laughing; The Abacus Prize; and the new Boston Uncommon Series: Swann Dive; Mantrap; Gilt Trip; & Swann Song, is a former federal executive with one of those alphabet agencies who traded the trappings of bureaucracy for the delights of murder most foul. She confines her crimes to fiction. Arlene’s early works were published by Mainly Murder Press. Her new work is available from Belle Bridge Books.

Kevin Symmons is a successful multi-published author who went from the executive suite to the writing desk. His novels have been Amazon best-sellers and his debut novel, Rite of Passage, garnered a major award nomination. He writes in Plymouth and Cape Cod and his novels includes romantic thrillers and adult commercial fiction. His most recent releases are a Cape Cod thriller, Out of the Storm, and a contemporary women's fiction novel, Solo. His work is available from New York’s award winning Wild Rose Press.