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Author's Friday - Paul Harding

Friday, April 27 at 2:00 pm

Paul Harding arrives to delight our audience. The former rock drummer's debut novel Tinkers won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Tinkers patiently traces the meandering memory of a dying clockmaker. Harding moves through time with Proustian grace. No detail is too small for him to stop the narrative clock and stare. Meticulous description does not propel a plot (as anyone who reads Virginia Woolf well understands), but the heart of Harding's book lies in this consistently lovely deluge of detail. His dogged specificity never flags, and in the end it is this passionate attention to detail that makes "Tinkers" a riveting and perhaps enduring read.

[Text courtesy of http://moreintelligentlife.com/blog/alexander-benaim/qa-paul-harding-author-pulitzer-prize-winner]