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New Local Author Chip Bishop

Friday, January 20th at 11:00 am

New author and Mashpee resident Chip Bishop meets with our audience. His book The Lion and the Journalist: The Unlikely Friendship of Theodore Roosevelt and Joseph Bucklin Bishop explores the relationship between Theodore Roosevelt and Chip’s great granduncle Joseph Bucklin Bishop, who was a newspaper editor and the president’s authorized biographer. Chip says his goal “was to draw a rich portrait of the exceptional lives of two great men…The book emerges as a remarkable tale of power, politics and presidential courage.”

Pulitzer Prize winning historian Doris Kearns Goodwin writes, “Chip Bishop identifies one of the central keys to T.R.’s success, his unparalleled ability to forge warm relationships with the press, even then they challenged and criticized him.”

Books will be available for sale and signing.