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Author Saloma Furlong talks about the Amish

Thursday, September 8 at 2:00 pm
Author Saloma Furlong was born and raised in an Amish community in Ohio. Driven by her desire for freedom and more formal education, she broke away from her community –– not once, but twice. She graduated from Smith College in May 2007 with a major in German Studies and a minor in Philosophy. Her education has included research on the Amish with Dr. Donald Kraybill and a semester abroad in Germany, where she studied at the University of Hamburg. During her thirty-year inner struggle of coming to terms with her Amish past, she has gleaned a better understanding of herself and her heritage. This September she will be featured on NPR’s radio show The Point with host Mindy Todd.

Her book Why I Left the Amish is a gripping memoir that will be available for sale and signing during the Dennis Public Library event.