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Author Michael Tougias

Wednesday, July 15 at 7:00 pm

The Finest Hours - Discover the true story behind one of the U.S. Coast Guard's most daring sea rescues. The event took place off the coast of Cape Cod on February 18, 1952. Lives hung in the balance as two fractured oil tankers foundered in stormy seas with waves reaching 70 feet high. Telling this tale of survival, heroism, and tragic mistakes, Tougias uses words and images to evoke the life and death drama that unfolded on that wintry day. Tougias co-authored, “The Finest Hours,” and he has written other critically acclaimed books including, “Fatal Forecast: An Incredible True Tale of Disaster and Survival at Sea” and “Tens Hours until Dawn: The True Story of Heroism and Tragedy Aboard the Can Do."