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Online Resources

The following list of links is meant as a starting point for finding information on popular topics. If you can't find what you need, please ask for help in the reference department - we love questions! This list will be updated as we find more resources, so be sure to check back often!

Search Engines
Google - www.google.com - the most popular search engine on the web
Yahoo - http://search.yahoo.com/ - the oldest search engine on the web
Dogpile - www.dogpile.com - metasearch - searches several engines at once
Mamma - www.mamma.com - metasearch - searches several engines, directories, and deep web content

Local Links
Town of Dennis - www.town.dennis.ma.us
Chamber of Commerce - www.dennischamber.com
BREEZE Bus Line - www.thebreeze.info

State Links
Massachusetts - www.mass.gov
Massachusetts Legislature LIVE - http://housetv.hou.state.ma.us
Massachusetts Tax Info - mass.gov/dor

Federal Links
USA.Gov - www.usa.gov
Seniors - www.seniors.gov
Federal Tax Info - www.irs.gov
Legislation - thomas.loc.gov
Census - www.census.gov

Health Info
Medline (National Library of Medicine) - www.medlineplus.gov
US National Health Center - www.healthfinder.gov
PubMed - www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed - Ask reference librarian for full-text
Physician's Desk Reference Online (PDR) - www.pdrhealth.com/drugs/drugs-index.aspx
Food and Drug Administration - www.fda.gov
Disability Info - www.disabilityinfo.gov
Hearing Loss Association of Cape Cod - www.shhhcapecod.org

Legal Info
Law Help - www.lawhelp.org
Barnstable Law Library - www.lawlib.state.ma.us/barnstable.html

Environmental and Green