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Native Plants of Cape Cod

Thursday, August 1st 6:00 p.m. 

The Master Gardener Association of Cape Cod will host a presentation on native plants of Cape Cod. The presentation will provide an overview of native plants and discuss native plants that are ideal for home landscaping and planting.

This event is the final program of the Jane Lynch Memorial Series. Jane was “the Plant Lady,” a long-time volunteer at Dennis Public Library. Her green thumb and beautiful soul were admired by staff and patrons alike. This series is generously sponsored by Jane's loving husband Derrell Lynch. 

Refreshments will be served.

Registration is required. Please call the library at 508-760-6219 to register.

Wastewater Wednesday Workshop

Wednesday, July 24th at 4:30 - Project Update 

The Dennis Plan is moving along efficiently. This infrastructure project has been well-planned from an engineering, financing, and environmental preservation perspective. It addresses the current nitrogen problems, protects our quality of life, and future-proofs our waters - from drinking water to our oceanfront - all our water. 

Gorgeous Gardens of New England

Thursday, August 8th at 6:00 p.m. 

Professional photographer and landscape architecture Joanne Pearson will host her popular program Gorgeous Gardens of New England Part 1. This lively presentation features a beautiful slideshow of some of her favorite public and private gardens in our region. Learn about the fascinating history of these gardens, their owners and the designers who created them. Joanne will share some of her thoughts on their designs and some of the photography techniques she uses to capture them. Join us on this enchanting visual journey.

No registration is required. Please call the library at 508-760-6219 with any questions. 

This program was generously funded by the Friends of the Dennis Public Library.

Medicare Supplement vs. Medicare Advantage Plans

Saturday, July 27th at 11:00 a.m. 

Rory Joyce, Field Outreach Consultant with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, will host an informational session about Medicare Supplement versus Medicare Advantage plans.

No registration is required. Please call the library at 508-760-6219 with questions.

Friends' Fundraiser

Tickets are also available to purchase through Eventbrite. 

Click here to purchase tickets.

Surfcasting and Beach Fishing on Nantucket Sound

Thursday, July 25th at 6:00 p.m.

Join professional fishing guide Michael Mullaney for a program about surfcasting and beach fishing on Nantucket Sound and the mid-Cape. Michael is a fly fishing guide, author, and owner of the Traveling Angler to Cape Cod.

The Traveling Angler to Cape Cod was founded in 2018 and offers fishing trips, fishing lessons, and equipment rentals to help anglers of all levels improve their skills and have a great fishing experience. Prior to 2018 it was known as First Line Fishing.  Michael founded the guide service in 2011 and operated a tackle shop in Chatham. Prior to 2011 he had shops in New Hope on the Delaware River and in Greenfield, MA.  

No registration is required. Please call the library at 508-760-6219 with any questions.

Author Event - Ray Anderson

Thursday, July 18th at 4:00 p.m. 

Author Ray Anderson will host a discussion and book signing for his latest novel LIFT: The Rise Of Mathe-Lingua-Musica.

This exciting new release is Ray's first work of speculative fiction. 

LIFT: The Rise Of Mathe-Lingua-Music

With Earth on the brink of total annihilation, can a new universal language unite the world enough to save it?

It’s 2489 and the world’s governing mathematicians have calculated that society’s struggles with rampant war and homicide have put humanity on a crash-course with extinction. With an estimated fifteen months left until humankind’s total annihilation, the World Council of Mathematicians (WCM) determine the only way out of the crisis is to create the optimum language for humans, creating common understanding across all cultures to allow them to work together for their joint salvation.

The WCM and Charles De Costa, a brilliant mathematics student, must rely on LIFT, a scientific breakthrough that allows them to enlist the aid of the greatest minds in history, to create this new world language based on mathematics, linguistics, and music. Can the great minds of the past help lead humanity to a better future? Can this new language be created in time? Or will society’s continued evil and miscommunication lead the world to an inevitable end?

No registration is required. Please call the library at 508-760-6219 with any questions.